Okay, so the last two days will be mushed into one post since I'm lazy. slightly out of order, but:
Peking duck preparing to be wrapped in nommy pancake.
I don't know if you'll be able to see this, but casey and I noted that there was an entire page dedicated to abalone in this menu...let me tell you, abalone is not that great, and at 20$ a piece, not worth it...

Bubble tea in a bag. This bubble tea literally took 10 minutes to make and I have fleshed out how this is possible. The people behind the counter made three mango bubble teas with real mango and all that good stuff, served those to some other people, and when they were washing out the blenders, instead of throwing that stuff away put it in our cups and sold it for 3.50$. the cute bag was the only conciliation.

Here's something Casey and I ate a few times during this trip, and will probably regret when we gain 5 lbs. I think on the menu it's called "silver thread" soemthing or other, but basically it's kind of like...fried dough? and that's sweetened condensed milk on the side. Good stuff.

Whelp, that concludes my Canada trip-there were many more meals, but mostly repeats of the ones I posted already. OH I almost forgot, I had an eclair from Beard Papa's, and it was fucking fantastic. We need to invest in these on the East Coast.